National Atlas - Shaded Relief

shaded relief of Northern Virginia
do hills and valleys define clear boundaries for "Northern Virginia"?

The National Atlas is a visualization tool that displays different layers of data, depending upon the user commands. Go to the MapMaker at At the start, you should see something like this:

National Atlas

Select the "Zoom to State" button:
National Atlas

Select Virginia, of course, and then select "Geology":
National Atlas

Scroll down to "Shaded Relief Land - Color," one of the checkboxes offered under the heading of Geology. Note that you will use the scroll bar on the far right of the screen:
National Atlas

Find the "Redraw" button again and click it to - surprise - redraw the map:
National Atlas

After all this effort, you should see:
National Atlas

Basic Physical Characteristics of NOVA
Geography of Northern Virginia
Virginia Places